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Research | Cruises

*** Click here for a world map with the clickable cruise locations

MOCHA Magnetotelluric Observations of Cascadia using a Huge Array
Uruguay EM Marine EM studies of the geological structure of the continental margin offshore Uruguay
SERPENT SERPENT: Serpentinite, Extension and Regional Porosity Experiment across the Nicaraguan Trench
Scarborough Marine EM studies of the Scarborough gas field, Western Australia.
Gulf of Mexico Hydrate A massive CSEM survey of 4 hydrate prospects in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
San Andreas MT, Central California Marine CSEM and MT across the continental shelf, slope and deep seafloor offshore Morro Bay, California to image structures adjacent to the San Andreas Fault
Loihi Seamount, Hawaii Marine EM tomography of Loihi Seamount, Hawaii.
Catalina Crater Marine CSEM, MT and CSMT of a crater-like structure in the California borderland
Gulf of Mexico Marine MT for exploration problems
Hydrate Ridge Marine MT and CSEM survey to detect shallow gas hydrates using electrical methods. 25 sites of data.
East Pacific Rise at 9° N MT and CSEM at fast spreading ridge. 69 sites of data, 80 km of CSEM tows.
Gemini Prospect, GoM 5th MT and 1st CSEM survey at Gemini Prospect
Faroe Islands 119 MT deployments in the sub-basalt province
Gemini Prospect, GoM 4th MT survey at Gemini Prospect
APPLE Anisotropy and Physics of the Pacific Lithosphere Experiment
Angola CSEM Commercially funded research CSEM survey offshore Angola, 21 deployments
East Pacific Rise at 9°50' N Pilot broadband MT experiment at fast spreading ridge
JAM2000 MT in trench offshore N. Japan, 10 sites in 1-6 km deep water
Gemini Prospect, GoM 3rd MT survey at Gemini Prospect
SWAGGIE MT experiment offshore South Australia
Gemini Prospect, GoM 2nd MT survey at Gemini Prospect
SWELL Hawaiian hot-spot swell structure from seafloor MT sounding
Gemini Prospect, GoM 1st MT survey at Gemini Prospect
Mediterranean Survey Commercial MT survey, 119 deployments

Note: There have also been several other experiments including commercial MT and CSEM surveys and a few small experiments offshore California that are not included in the list above.

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Last updated: Friday, 25-Apr-2014 20:18:29 PDT
email: sconstable@ucsd.edu