The data file SPdata.txt contains line # , x(m), y(m), SW-NE, SE-NW, Z, East, North where all the SP electric field data (cols 4-8) are in mV/m The following Matlab code will reproduce Figure 3, 5, and 7 of the paper --------------------------------------------------------------------- data = load ('SPdata.txt'); figure; scatter(data(:,2), data(:,3), 100, data(:,4), 'o', 'fill') axis equal caxis([-0.2 0.3]) axis ([0 1200 0 1100]) xlabel ('Easting (m)') ylabel ('Northing (m)') title ('SW-NE component') colorbar figure; scatter(data(:,2), data(:,3), 100, data(:,5), 'o', 'fill') axis equal caxis([-0.2 0.3]) axis ([0 1200 0 1100]) xlabel ('Easting (m)') ylabel ('Northing (m)') title ('SE-NW component') colorbar figure; scatter(data(:,2), data(:,3), 100, data(:,6), 'o', 'fill') axis equal caxis([-0.2 0.3]) axis ([0 1200 0 1100]) xlabel ('Easting (m)') ylabel ('Northing (m)') title ('Z component') colorbar z = data(:,6); zerr = 0.025*ze; % 2.5 percent error floor [xx, yy, mz, dp, actrms] = OccamMap(2,data(:,2), data(:,3), z, zerr, 0, 1300, 100, 0, 1200, 100, 100); colormap('jet') title('Vertical electric field, mV, RMS 2 with 2.5% error floor') xlabel ('Easting (m)') ylabel ('Northing (m)') d = [data(:,7) ; data(:,8)]; % make a single data vector out of the x and y components derr = 0.025*d; % 2.5 percent error floor [xx, yy, mSP, dp, actrms] = OccamMapSP(6,data(:,2), data(:,3), d, derr, 0, 1300, 100, 0, 1200, 100, 100); colormap(flipud(jet)) title('SP, mV, RMS 6 with 2.5% error floor') xlabel ('Easting (m)') ylabel ('Northing (m)') hold on quiver(data(:,2), data(:,3), data(:,7), data(:,8),'k')