Reading List:
Wright and Klein, 2006: Deep magma transport at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii.
Malahoff et al., 2006: A decade of exploring a submarine intraplate volcano: Hydrothermal manganese and iron at Loihi volcano, Hawaii.
Nicollin et al., 2006: Electrical tomogarphy of La Soufriere of Guadeloupe Volcano: Field experiments, 1D inversion and qualitative interpretation.
MacGregor, Sinha, and Constable, 2001: Electrical resistivity structure of the Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin, from marine contolled-source electromagnetic sounding.
June 27:
- Lemire and Constable to Hawaii to install remote. Overnight Kona area.
June 28:
- Lemire and Constable install remote. Overnight Hilo.
June 29:
- Revelle arrives Oahu, Pier 31. Weller cruise to unload.
- Lemire and Constable to Honolulu.
- Technical party arrive Honolulu.
- Preparations for the Constable load.
June 30:
- Load ship.
- Scientific party may stay on board this night
July 1:
- Finish loading, testing, instrument prep.
- Last day for student arrivals.
- Push off 16:00. 17 hour transit to station
July 2-5:
- Instrument deployments, deep tow, recoveries. Finish morning of the 5th and transit to Hilo.
- Put personnel off in Hilo sometime between noon and 16:00.
- Lemire to pull remote and deliver to Revelle.
- Travel to Volcano Village for field trip.
July 6-7:
July 8: