program LCread c Example program which reads from LC95 data files and writes c demultiplexed data to files for external plotting or processing. c This would be version 6.0 of LCdump and its relatives c S.Constable 10/Nov/2000 c Modified 25 July 2002 for compass data c output file name root character*64 filename c header common integer*4 dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, * slow_stop, slow_entry character*1 version(8) common /header/ dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, slow_stop, * slow_entry, version c counter for record numbers in binary files integer*4 irec(4) c dimension the data arrays, leaving room for one block of over-run integer*4 idata(4,1249) real*4 fdata(4,1249) integer iskip c common to indicate the presence of a PC logical lpc common /ifpc/ lpc logical ifdisk c set the pc flag lpc= .false. c set the unit number for the SIO file in_unit = 12 c set the number of data per read ndata = 1000 c open the SIO binary file- this will tell us how many channels we have call OpenSIO(in_unit) c find out which blocks we want call GetRecs(jrec, iendrec, ns, iskip) c write(*,*) jrec, iendrec, ns, iskip write(*,*) ' Do you want binary(1) or ascii(2) data written?' read (*,*) idtype c get the output filename: do i = 1, 64 filename(i:i) = ' ' end do write(*,*) ' Enter data filename root: ' read (*,'(a)') filename if (filename(1:1) .eq. ' ') then stop end if j = index(filename, ' ')-1 filename = filename(1:j)//'_c' j = j + 3 c open output files (one for each channel) do i = 1, num_channel filename(j:j) = char(48+i) write(*,*) ' Opening ', filename if (idtype .eq. 2) then open(12+i,file=filename(1:j)) else open(12+i,file=filename(1:j),form='unformatted', * access='direct',recl=ndata*4) end if end do c reset record counters for binary files do i = 1,num_channel irec(i) = 0 end do c keep track of total number of data points read numdat = 0 c get some data to play with 1 call ReadSIO(in_unit, jrec, iskip, ndata, idata, icount, ifdisk) do j=1,num_channel c copy the integer data into a floating point array do i=1,ndata fdata(j,i)=idata(j,i) end do c binary data write if (idtype .eq. 1) then irec(j) = irec(j)+1 write(unit=12+j,rec=irec(j)) (fdata(j,i),i=1,ndata) else c ascii data write write(unit=12+j,fmt='(f10.0)') (fdata(j,i), i=1, ndata) end if end do numdat = numdat + ndata c write(*,*) jrec, iskip, icount, ifdisk, numdat if (numdat .lt. ns) goto 1 close (in_unit) do i = 1, num_channel close (12+i) end do stop end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GetRecs(jrec, iendrec, ns, iskip) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c GetRecs works out which block numbers we want to read c S.Constable 10/Nov/2000 c header common integer*4 dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, * slow_stop, slow_entry character*1 version(8) common /header/ dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, slow_stop, * slow_entry, version c data start time integer*4 isy, ismo, isd, ish, ism, jrec real fss common /startime/ isy, ismo, isd, ish, ism, fss c common for number of data per block integer nblk, diskblks(2000) common /blk/ nblk, sampfreq, diskblks integer iskip write(*,*) * ' Stop (0), Recover by Time (1) or by Block Number (2)?' read (*,*) iitype if (iitype.eq.0) then close (in_unit) stop else if (iitype.eq.1) then c Peform the classic Y2K patch on the year number if (isy .le. 50) then isy = isy + 2000 else isy = isy + 1900 end if write(*,'(a16,i5,4i3,f7.3)') * ' SIO data starts at: ',isy, ismo, isd, ish, ism, fss write(*,*) ' Enter required data start time:'// * ' yr, mo, day, hour, min, sec' read (*,*) iy, imo, id, ih, im, is write(*,*) ' Enter total data time: days, hours, minutes' read (*,*) itd, ith, itm c Compute starting and ending blocks: c modified julian day of SIO start time: ismjd = mjd(isy, ismo, isd) c day second number of SIO data start it0 = int(fss) + 60*(ism + 60*ish) c modified julian day of data start time: imjd = mjd(iy, imo, id) c day second number of required data start istart = is + 60*(im + 60*ih) c total number of samples per channel from SIO start to data start ns = int(sampfreq*(istart-it0 + 86400.*(imjd-ismjd))) c total number of blocks/ch from data start (rounded down) nblocks = ns/nblk c so the block number in which the first datum lies is: jrec = data_start + nblocks*num_channel c and this is the number of data in that block to skip past: iskip = ns - nblocks*nblk c total number of samples requied: ns = 60*(itm + 60*(ith + 24*itd))*sampfreq nblks = int(ns/nblk) if (mod(nblks*nblk, ns) .ne. 0) nblks = nblks+1 nblocks = nblks*num_channel iendrec = jrec + nblocks -1 else iskip=0 write(*,'(''Enter starting block number: '',$)') read (*,*) jrec write(*,'(''Enter ending block number: '',$)') read (*,*) iendrec ns = nblk*(iendrec-jrec+1)/num_channel end if if (jrec .lt. data_start) then write(*,*) ' Sorry, start time or block preceeds data' stop end if write (*,*) ' Will try to read data blocks', jrec, iendrec return end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine OpenSIO(in_unit) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c opens an SIO binary LC95 data file and prepares life for reading it c S.Constable 9/Nov/2000 character*80 cfin c header common integer*4 dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, * slow_stop, slow_entry character*1 version(8) common /header/ dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, slow_stop, * slow_entry, version c common for number of data per block integer nblk, diskblks(2000) common /blk/ nblk, sampfreq, diskblks c flags for 16 or 24 bit logical l_24 common /bits/ l_24 1 write(*,'(''Enter SIO binary image file name: '',$)') read (*,'(a80)') cfin c open binary file and read header open(unit=in_unit, file=cfin, form='unformatted', * access='direct', recl=512, status='old', err = 888) c read the Disk Header call GetHeader(in_unit) nch = num_channel c correct fractional sample rates on 24-bit systems if (sam_rate .eq. 31) then sampfreq = 31.25 else if (sam_rate .eq. 62) then sampfreq = 62.5 else sampfreq = sam_rate end if c work out what sort of data type we have and set number of samples per block if ( then l_24 = .true. nblk = 166 write(*,*) 'data_type is 24-bit' else l_24 = .false. nblk = 249 write(*,*) 'data_type is 16-bit' end if c read the direcory call GetDirectory(in_unit) c get the compass data call GetComp(in_unit) return 888 write(*,*) ' Error opening image file (does not exist?)' goto 1 end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ReadSIO(in_unit,jrec,iskip,ndata,idat,icount,ifdisk) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c reads data from an SIO binary LC95 data file c S.Constable 9/Nov/2000 c on input: c jrec = starting block number c iskip = number of points to skip in first block (jrec) c ndata = number of data required c on output; c idat(4,ndata) = raw count data on up to 4 channels c icount = actual number of data in idat c jrec = block number of last read c iskip = data number in block of last read c common for number of data per block, sam freq., and disk write indices integer nblk, diskblks(2000) common /blk/ nblk, sampfreq, diskblks c flags for 16 or 24 bit logical l_24 common /bits/ l_24 c header common integer*4 dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, * slow_stop, slow_entry character*1 version(8) common /header/ dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, slow_stop, * slow_entry, version integer*2 ihead(12) c common in which data are passed back integer*4 idata24(256) common /data24/ idata24 logical ifdisk integer iskip c arguments integer*4 idat(4,1249) c We pack 16 bit and 24 bit data into 32 bit integers; to get them c back to the right numbers we have to byte-shift them by division. c Also compute the length of a disk write in blocks (2 min. for 16-bit c and 4 min. for 24 bit) if (l_24) then idivid = 256 ndisk = 4.*60.*sampfreq/nblk else idivid = 256*256 ndisk = 2.*60.*sampfreq/nblk end if ifdisk = .false. c work out how many blocks of data we need nblocks = (ndata + iskip)/nblk if (mod(nblocks*nblk, ndata+iskip) .ne. 0) nblocks = nblocks+1 iend = jrec+nblocks-1 do ii=1,dir_count if((diskblks(ii).ge.jrec).and.(diskblks(ii).le.iend) * .or. * (diskblks(ii) * then ifdisk = .true. end if end do c set record pointer to starting block irec = jrec icount = 0 is = iskip do k = 1, nblocks do i = 1, num_channel call GetaBlock(in_unit, irec, ihead) irec = irec + 1 c check to make sure channel number in header meets expectations if (ihead(10)+1 .ne. i) then write(*,*) ' readsio: channels out of synch, i= ', i write(*,'(i8,6i4,''.'',i3.3,4i4)') l, * (ihead(j),j=8,3,-1), ((ihead(1)*256)+ihead(2)), * (ihead(j),j=9,12) end if do j=1,nblk-is idat(i,j+icount)=idata24(j+is)/idivid end do end do icount = icount + nblk - is is = 0 end do jrec = irec - num_channel iskip = nblk - (icount - ndata) return end c---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GetaBlock(in_unit, nrec, ihead) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Gets a block of LC-95 data from various devices and peels off the c 12 header bytes (ihead in argument list). c The main chunk of data is passed back through /data/, which will c automatically perform the 2's complement conversion by declaring c it character*512 in Getablock and integer*2 times 256 in the calling c routine. c (This was an easy way to handle the mix of unsigned integer c information (the header bytes) and 2's compliment (the actual data)) c S.Constable 9/Nov/2000 c arguments integer*4 nrec integer*2 ihead(12) c binary data buffer character*1 buffer(512), buffer24(1024), nul character*512 buff equivalence (buffer(1), buff(1:1)) common /data24/ buffer24 logical lpc common /ifpc/ lpc c flags for 16 or 24 bit logical l_24 common /bits/ l_24 c common for number of data per block integer nblk, diskblks(2000) common /blk/ nblk, sampfreq, diskblks c reading from disk image file only; add 1 for Fortran files read(in_unit,rec=nrec+1,err=19) buff c peel off the header data while we still have the block in c character format do i = 1,12 ihead(i) = ichar(buffer(i)) end do c we solve all our problems, (PC/MAC/SUN byte ordering, variable ADC width, c and conversion to 2's compiment) by packing the data bytes into a int*4 c word, here represented as a character*1 array nul = char(0) if(l_24) then if (lpc) then do i = 0, nblk-1 buffer24(4*i+1) = nul buffer24(4*i+2) = buffer(3*i+17) buffer24(4*i+3) = buffer(3*i+16) buffer24(4*i+4) = buffer(3*i+15) end do else do i = 0, nblk-1 buffer24(4*i+1) = buffer(3*i+15) buffer24(4*i+2) = buffer(3*i+16) buffer24(4*i+3) = buffer(3*i+17) buffer24(4*i+4) = nul end do end if else if (lpc) then do i = 0, nblk-1 buffer24(4*i+1)=nul buffer24(4*i+2)=nul buffer24(4*i+3)=buffer(2*i+16) buffer24(4*i+4)=buffer(2*i+15) end do else do i = 0, nblk-1 buffer24(4*i+1) = buffer(2*i+15) buffer24(4*i+2) = buffer(2*i+16) buffer24(4*i+3) = nul buffer24(4*i+4) = nul end do end if end if return 19 write(*,*) ' Getablock: read error from image file' stop end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function mjd(i,j,k) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c on input: c i = year c j = month c k = day c on output: c mjd = modified Julian day c From a JD routine provided me by Duncan Agnew, who got it from somewhere c else, and altered by me to return Modified Julian Day c S.Constable 9/Nov/2000 (MJD 51857) mjd = -678927 + k + 1461*(i+(j-14)/12)/4 + 367*(j-2-12 * $ ((j-14)/12))/12 + (24002-12*i-j)/1200 return end c---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GetDirectory (in_unit) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c This version for LCheapo-95 data structure and hard-wired for disk c images c Copyright Steven Constable, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. c read buffer character*1 buffer(512) c local variables integer*4 ibuff(512) c header common integer*4 dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, * slow_stop, slow_entry character*1 version(8) common /header/ dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, slow_stop, * slow_entry, version c data start time integer*4 isy, ismo, isd, ish, ism real fss common /startime/ isy, ismo, isd, ish, ism, fss c common for number of data per block integer nblk, nblock(2000) common /blk/ nblk, sampfreq, nblock write(*,*) ' Reading directory' write(*,'(a)') ' block no yr:mo:dy:hr:mn:seconds rate blksz * reclen flg mux' ic = 0 do 600 nb = dir_start, dir_block read(in_unit,rec=nb+1,err=19) (buffer(k), k=1,512) do 500 k = 1, 16 ic = ic+1 if (ic. gt. dir_count) goto 700 index = (k-1)*32 do i = 1,32 ibuff(i) = ichar(buffer(index+i)) end do ims = ibuff(1)*256+ibuff(2) seconds = float(ibuff(3)) + float(ims)/1000. nblock(ic) = ((ibuff(9)*256 + ibuff(10))*256 + * ibuff(11))*256 + ibuff(12) lengthrec = ((ibuff(13)*256 + ibuff(14))*256 + * ibuff(15))*256 + ibuff(16) irate = ibuff(17)*256 + ibuff(18) nblocks = ibuff(19)*256 + ibuff(20) if (data_start .eq. nblock(ic)) then isy = ibuff(8) ismo = ibuff(7) isd = ibuff(6) ish = ibuff(5) ism = ibuff(4) fss = seconds end if write(*,'(i9,1x,5(i2,'':''),f6.3,i5,i6,i6,2(1x,i5))') * nblock(ic),(ibuff(j),j=8,4,-1), * seconds,irate, nblocks, lengthrec,ibuff(21),ibuff(22) 500 continue 600 continue 700 return 19 write(*,*) ' read error from image file' stop end c---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GetHeader (in_unit) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Copyright Steven Constable, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. c The header is always in block 2 (= 3 in fortran binary file) c read buffer character*1 buffer(512) c header common integer*4 dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, * slow_stop, slow_entry character*1 version(8) common /header/ dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, slow_stop, * slow_entry, version read (in_unit,rec=3,err=19) (buffer(k), k=1,512) c here is where the 512-byte block of header information is decoded. i = 12 dir_start = ichar(buffer(i+4)) + 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) write(*,*) 'current directory start: ', dir_start i = i + 4 write(*,*) 'current directory size: ', ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) i = i + 4 dir_block = ichar(buffer(i+4)) + 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) write(*,*) 'current directory block: ', dir_block i = i + 4 dir_count = ichar(buffer(i+4)) + 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) write(*,*) 'current directory count: ', dir_count i = i + 4 slow_start = ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) write(*,*) 'slow data start block: ', slow_start i = i + 4 write(*,*) 'slow data size: ', ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) i = i + 4 slow_stop = ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) write(*,*) 'slow data current block: ', slow_stop i = i + 4 slow_entry = ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) write(*,*) 'slow data current entry: ', slow_entry i = i + 4 write(*,*) 'log data start block: ', ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) i = i + 4 write(*,*) 'log data size: ', ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) i = i + 4 write(*,*) 'log data current block: ', ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) i = i + 4 write(*,*) 'log data current byte: ', ichar(buffer(i+4)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) i = i + 4 data_start = ichar(buffer(i+4)) + 256*(ichar(buffer(i+3)) + * 256*(ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)))) write(*,*) 'data start block: ', data_start i = i + 4 write(*,*) 'Disk number: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 do j = 1, 8 version(j) = buffer(i+j) end do write(*,'(a22)') ' Program version: ', (version(j),j=1,4) i = i + 10 write(*,'(95a)') ' Description: ', * (buffer(j),j=i+1,i+80) i = i + 80 sam_rate = ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) write(*,*) 'Sample rate: ', sam_rate i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'Start Channel: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 num_channel = ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) write(*,*) 'Number of Channels: ', num_channel i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'Slow data rate: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'Slow data start channel: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'Number of slow channels: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'Data type (compressed/not): ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) data_type = ichar(buffer(i+2)) + 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'Disk size: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'RAM size: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 write(*,*) 'number of windows: ', ichar(buffer(i+2)) + * 256*ichar(buffer(i+1)) i = i + 2 c rest of block reserved for future use return 19 write(*,*) ' read error from image file' stop end c---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GetComp(in_unit) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Copyright Steven Constable, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. c Reads compass data off the file c read buffer character*1 buffer(512) c header common integer*4 dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, * slow_stop, slow_entry character*1 version(8) common /header/ dir_count, dir_block, dir_start, data_start, * num_channel, sam_rate, data_type, slow_start, slow_stop, * slow_entry, version character*4 intbuf character*22 comstring c check that the version is 8.08 or later do j = 1, 4 intbuf(j:j) = version(j) end do read(intbuf, '(f4.2)') rv if (rv .lt. 8.08) return c check to see that the block numbers are reasonable if (slow_start .le. 2 .or. slow_start .ge. 32000) then write(*,*) ' No compass installed???' return end if c write out the compass data write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' tilt1, tilt2, compass, temp:' c take care of whole blocks num = 0 t1sum = 0. t2sum = 0. comsum = 0. tempsum = 0. do j = slow_start, slow_stop-1 if (slow_start .ne. slow_stop) then read (in_unit,rec=j+1,err=19) (buffer(k), k=1,512) do i = 0,7 do k = 1,22 comstring(k:k) = buffer(i*64+k) end do write(*,'(x,22a)') comstring num = num+1 read (comstring,*) t1, t2, com, temp if (num .gt. 1) then t1sum = t1sum + t1 t2sum = t2sum + t2 comsum = comsum + com tempsum = tempsum + temp end if end do end if end do c now do the partially filled block read (in_unit,rec=j+1,err=19) (buffer(k), k=1,512) do i = 0,slow_entry-1 do k = 1,22 comstring(k:k) = buffer(i*64+k) end do write(*,'(x,22a)') comstring num = num+1 read (comstring,*) t1, t2, com, temp if (i .ne. slow_entry-1 .and. num .gt. 1) then t1sum = t1sum + t1 t2sum = t2sum + t2 comsum = comsum + com tempsum = tempsum + temp end if end do write(*,*) ' ' c write out averages(neglecting first and last measurements) write(*,*) ' averages:' write(*,*) t1sum/(num-2), t2sum/(num-2), * comsum/(num-2), tempsum/(num-2) return 19 write(*,*) ' read error from image file' stop end