123. King, R.B., W.R. Danskin, S. Constable, and J.M. Maloney, 2022. Identification of fresh groundwater off the coast of San Diego, USA, using electromagnetic methods. Hydrogeology Journal,
122. Harmon, N., S. Wang, C.A. Rychert, S. Constable, and J.M. Kendall, 2021. Shear velocity inversion guided by resistivity structure from the PI-LAB Experiment for integrated estimates of partial melt in the mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126,
121. Rychert, C.A., S. Tharimena, N. Harmon, S. Wang, S. Constable, J.M. Kendall, P. Bogiatzis, M.R. Agius, and D. Schlaphorst, 2021. A dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary near the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 566,
120. Stern, L.A., S. Constable, R. Lu, W.L. Du Frane, J.J. Roberts, 2021. Electrical properties of carbon dioxide hydrate: Implications for monitoring CO2 in the gas hydrate stability zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 48,
119. Attias, E., S. Constable, D. Sherman, K. Ismail, C. Shuler, and H. Dulai, 2021. Marine electromagnetic imaging and volumetric estimation of freshwater plumes offshore Hawai'i. Geophysical Research Letters, 48,
118. Key, K., and S. Constable, 2021. Inverted long-baseline acoustic navigation of deep-towed CSEM transmitters and receivers. Marine Geophysical Research, 42,
117. Wang, S., S. Constable, V. Reyes-Ortega, H. Jahandari, C. Farquharson, and T. Aviles Esquivel, 2021. Two-dimensional determinant inversion of marine magnetotelluric data and a field example from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Geophysics, 86, E37-E57.
116. Attias, E., D. Thomas, D. Sherman, K. Ismall, and S. Constable, 2020. Marine electrical imaging reveals novel freshwater transport mechanism in Hawai'i. Science Advances, 6,
115. Rychert, C.A., N. Harmon, S. Constable, and S. Wang, 2020. The nature of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. JGR Solid Earth, 125,
114. Wang, S., S. Constable, C.A. Rychert, and N. Harmon, 2020. A lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and partial melt resolved using marine magnetotelluric data. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 21,
113. Constable, S., R. Lu, L.A. Stern, W.L. Du Frane, and J.J. Roberts, 2020. Laboratory electrical conductivity of marine gas hydrate. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, 10.1029/2020GL087645.
112. Constable, S., 2020. Perspectives on marine electromagnetic methods. Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists, 2,
111. Kannberg, P.K., and S. Constable, 2020. Characterization and quantification of gas hydrates in the California Borderlands. Geophysical Research Letters, 47,
110. Montiel-Alvarez, A.M., J.M. Romo, S. Constable, and E. Gomez-Trevino, 2019. Invariant TE and TM impedances in marine magnetotelluric method. Geophysical Journal International, 221, 163–177,
109. Aviles Esquivel, T., C. Flores, V. Reyes Ortega, S. Constable, E. Gomez-Trevino, and A. Gonzalez-Fernandez, 2020. Magnetotelluric exploration of the Wagner Basin, Gulf of California, Mexico: Evidence for an axial magma chamber and hydrothermal circulation. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 99,
108. Chesley, C., K. Key, S. Constable, J. Behrens, and L. MacGregor, 2019. Crustal cracks and frozen flow in oceanic lithosphere inferred from electrical anisotropy. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 20, 5979–5999 doi:10.1029/2019gc008628.
107. Lu, R., L.A. Stern, W.L. Du Frane, J.C. Pinkston, J.J. Roberts, and S. Constable, 2019. The effect of brine on the electrical properties of methane hydrate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 10,877–10,892.
106. Constable, S., A. Orange, and D. Myer, 2019. Marine CSEM of the Scarborough gas field, Part 3: Multicomponent 2D MT/CSEM inversions. Geophysics, 84, B387–B401.
105. Cordoba-Ramirez, C. Flores, A. Gonzalez-Fernandez, S. Constable, J.G. PenaDominguez, E. Gomez-Trevino, 2019. Marine controlled-source electromagnetics with geothermal purposes; central Gulf of California, Mexico. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 384, 206–220.
104. Wang, S., S. Constable, V. ReyesOrtega, and C.A. Rychert, 2019. A newly distinguished marine magnetotelluric coast effect sensitive to the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. Geophysical Journal International, 218, 978–987.
103. Wang, S., M. Batani, S. Constable, T. Kalscheuer, and A. Malehmir, 2019. Boat-towed radiomagnetotelluric and controlled-source audiomagnetotelluric study to resolve fracture zones at A¨ spo¨ Hard Rock Laboratory site, Sweden. Geophysical Journal International, 218, 1008–1031.
102. Harmon, N., C. Rychert, M. Agius, S. Tharimena, T. Le Bas, J.M. Kendall, and S. Constable, 2018. Marine geophysical investigation of the Chain Fracture Zone in the equatorial Atlantic from the PILAB experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 11,016–11,030.
101. Sherman, D., and S. Constable, 2018: Permafrost extent on the Alaskan Beaufort Shelf from surface towed controlled-source electromagnetic surveys. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 123. 1-13.
100. Constable, S., P. Kowalczyk, and S. Bloomer, 2018: Measureing marine self-potential using an autonomous underwater vehicle. Geophysical Journal International, 215. 49-60.
99. Barak, O., K. Key, S. Constable, and S. Ronen, 2018: Recording active-ground rotations using induction-coil magnetometers. Geophysics, 83. 1-24.
98. Weitemeyer, K., S. Constable, D. Shelander, and S. Haines, 2017: Mapping the resistivity structure of Walker Ridge 313 in the Gulf of Mexico using the marine CSEM method. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88. 1013-1031.
97. Sherman, D., P. Kannberg, and S. Constable, 2017: Surface towed electromagnetic system for mapping of subsea Arctic permafrost. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 460. 97-104.
96. Naif, S., K. Key, S. Constable, and R.L. Evans, 2016: Porosity and fluid budget of a water-rich megathrust revealed with electromagnetic data at the Middle America Trench. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17. 4495-4516, doi:10.1002/2016GC006556
95. Constable, S., P. K. Kannberg, and K. Weitemeyer, 2016: Vulcan: A deeptowed CSEM receiver. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, doi:10.1002/ 2015GC006174.
94. Naif, S., K. Key, S. Constable, and R.L. Evans, 2015: Water-rich bending faults at the Middle America Trench. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16. 2582-2597, doi:10.1002/2015GC005927.
93. Du Frane, W., L.A. Stern, S. Constable, K.A. Weitemeyer, M.M. Smith, and J.J. Roberts, 2015: Electrical properties of methane hydrate + sediment mixtures. Journal of Geophysical Research, 120. 4773-4787, doi:10.1002/2015JB011940.
92. Constable, S., 2015: Geomagnetic Induction Studies, in Treatise on Geophysics, Volume 5, second edition, G. Schubert and M. Kono (ed.). Elsevier. 219-254.
91. Wheelock, B., S. Constable, and K. Key, 2015: The advantages of logarithmically scaled data for electromagnetic inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 201. 1765-1780.
90. Myer, D., K. Key, and S. Constable, 2015: Marine CSEM of the Scarborough gas field, Part 2: 2D inversion. Geophysics, 80. E187--E196.
89. Constable, S., A. Orange, and K. Key, 2015: And the geophysicist replied: ``Which model do you want?''. Geophysics, 80. E197--E212.
88. Ray, A., K. Key, T. Bodin, D. Myer, and S. Constable, 2014: Bayesian inversion of marine CSEM data from the Scarborough gas field using a transdimensional 2-D parameterization. Geophysical Journal International, 199. 1847-1860, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu370
87. Weitemeyer, K., and S. Constable, 2014: Navigating marine electromagnetic transmitters using dipole field geometry. Geophysical Prospecting, 62. 573-593, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12092
86. Myer, D., S. Constable, and K. Key, 2013: Magnetotelluric evidence for layered mafic intrusions beneath the Voring and Exmouth rifted margins. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 220. 1-10, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2013.04.007
85. Key, K., S. Constable, L. Liu, and A. Pommier, 2013: Electrical image of passive mantle upwelling beneath the northern East Pacific Rise. Nature, 495. 499-502.
84. Naif, S., K. Key, S. Constable, and R.L. Evans, 2013: Melt-rich channel observed at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. Nature, 495. 356-359.
83. Constable, S., 2013: Review paper: Instrumentation for marine magnetotelluric and controlled source electromagnetic sounding. Geophysical Prospecting, 61. 505-532, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2478.2012.01117.x
82. Key, K., S. Constable, T. Matsuno, R.L. Evans, and D. Myer, 2012: Electromagnetic detection of plate hydration due to bending faults at the Middle America Trench. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 351--352. 45-53, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.07.020. (Supplementary Material)
81. Myer, D., S. Constable, K. Key, M.E. Glinsky, and G. Liu, 2012: Marine CSEM of the Scarborough gas field, Part 1: Experimental design and data uncertainty. Geophysics, 77. E281-E299, doi:10.1190/GEO2011-0380.1.
80. Weitemeyer, K.A., S. Constable, and A.M. Trehu, 2011: A marine electromagnetic survey to detect gas hydrate at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon. Geophysical Journal International, 187. 45-62.
79. Du Frane, W.L., L.A. Stern, K.A. Weitemeyer, S. Constable, J.C. Pinkston, and J.J. Roberts, 2011: Electrical properties of polycrystalline methane hydrate. Geophysical Research Letters, 38. doi:10.1029/2011GL047243.
78. Van Beusekom, A.E., R.L. Parker, R.E. Bank, P.E. Gill, and S. Constable, 2011: The 2-D magnetotelluric inverse problem solved with optimization. Geophysical Journal International, 184. 639-650.
77. Key, K., and S. Constable, 2011: Coast effect distortion of marine magnetotelluric data: Insights from a pilot study offshore northeastern Japan. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 184. 194-207
76. Myer, D., S. Constable, and K. Key, 2011: Broad-band waveforms and robust processing for marine CSEM surveys Geophysical Journal International, 184. 689-698
75. Zhdanov, M.S., L. Wan, A. Gribenko., M. Cuma, K. Key, and S. Constable. 2011: Large-scale 3D inversion of marine magnetotelluric data: Case study from the Gemini prospect, Gulf of Mexico. Geophysics, 76. F77-F87.
74. Weitemeyer, K., G. Gao, S. Constable, and D. Alumbaugh, 2010: The practical application of 2D inversion to marine controlled-source electromagnetic sounding. Geophysics, 75. F199-F211.
73. Constable, S., 2010: Ten years of marine CSEM for hydrocarbon exploration. Geophysics, 75, 75A67-75A81.
72. Weitemeyer, K., and S. Constable, 2010: Mapping shallow geology and gas hydrate with marine CSEM surveys. First Break, 28, 97-102.
71. Myer, D., S. Constable, and K. Key, 2010: A marine EM survey of the Scarborough gas field, Northwest Shelf of Australia. First Break. 28, 77-82.
70. Li, Y.G., and S. Constable, 2010: Transient electromagnetic in shallow water: insights from 1D modeling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 53, 737-743.
69. Constable, S., K. Key, and Lewis, L., 2009: Mapping offshore sedimentary structure using electromagnetic methods and terrain effects in marine magnetotelluric data. Geophysical Journal International, 176, 431442.
68. Orange, A., K. Key, and S. Constable, 2009: The feasibility of reservoir monitoring using time-lapse marine CSEM. Geophysics, 74, F21-F29.
67. Constable, S., 2007: Geomagnetism, in Treatise on Geophysics, Volume 5, G. Schubert and M. Kono (ed.). Elsevier, doi:10.1016/B978-044452748-6.00092-4. 237-276 (this chapter was misnamed - it should be called Geomagnetic Induction Studies)
66. Constable, S., 2007: Induction from satellite data, in Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, D. Gubbins and E. Herrero-Bervera (ed.). Springer. pp 413-416
65. Constable, S., 2007:. Conductivity, ocean floor measurements, in Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, D. Gubbins and E. Herrero-Bervera (ed.). Springer. pp 71-73
64. Medin, A.E., R.L. Parker, and S. Constable, 2007: Making sound inferences from geomagnetic sounding. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 160, 5159.
63. Li, Y., and S. Constable, 2007: 2D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modeling: Part 2-The effect of bathymetry. Geophysics, 72, WA63WA71.
62. Constable, S., and L.J. Srnka, 2007: An introduction to marine controlled-source electromagnetic methods for hydrocarbon exploration. Geophysics, 72, WA3WA12.
61. Constable, S., 2006: SEO3: A new model of olivine electrical conductivity. Geophys. J. Int., 166, 435437.
60. Constable, S., 2006: Marine electromagnetic methodsA new tool for offshore exploration. The Leading Edge, 25, 438444.
59. Weitemeyer, K., S. Constable, and K. Key, 2006: Marine EM techniques for gas-hydrate and hazard mitigation. The Leading Edge, 25, 629632.
58. Weiss, C.J., and S. Constable, 2006: Mapping Thin Resistors in the Marine Environment, Part II: Modeling and Analysis in 3D. Geophysics, 71, G321G332.
57. Weitemeyer, K.A., S.C. Constable, K.W. Key, and J.P. Behrens, 2006: First results from a marine controlled- source electromagnetic survey to detect gas hydrates offshore Oregon. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L03304, doi:10.1029/2005GL024896.
56. Constable, S., and C.J. Weiss, 2005: Mapping thin resistors (and hydrocarbons) with marine EM methods: Insights from 1D modeling. Geophysics, 71, G43G51.
55. Key, K.W., S.C. Constable, and C.J. Weiss, 2005: Mapping 3D salt using 2D marine MT: Case study from Gemini Prospect, Gulf of Mexico. Geophysics, 71, B17B27.
54. Constable, C.G. and S.C. Constable, 2004: Satellite magnetic field measurements: Applications in studying the deep Earth. In The State of the Planet: Frontiers and Challenges in Geophysics, Geophys. Mono. 150, ed. R.S.J. Sparks and C.T. Hawkesworth, Am. Geophys. Un., pp. 147159.
53. Constable, S. and G. Heinson, 2004: Hawaiian hot-spot swell structure from seafloor MT sounding, Tectonophysics, 389, 111-124.
52. de Groot-Hedlin, C., and S. Constable, 2004: Inversion of magnetotelluric data for 2D structure with sharp resistivity contrasts, Geophysics, 69, 7886.
51. Constable, S., and C. Constable, 2004: Observing geomagnetic induction in magnetic satellite measurements and associated implications for mantle conductivity, Geochem. Geophys. Geosys., 5, No. 1, Q01006 DOI 10.1029/2003GC000634
50. Korte, M., S.C. Constable, and C.G. Constable, 2003: Separation of external magnetic signal for induction studies, in First CHAMP Mission Results for Gravity, Magnetic and Atmospheric Studies, C. Reigber, H. Lühr, and P. Schwintzer (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 315-320.
49. Everett, M.E., S. Constable, and C.G. Constable, 2003: Effects of near-surface conductance on global satellite induction responses, Geophys. J. Int., 153, 277286.
48. Key, K., and S. Constable, 2002: Broadband marine MT exploration of the East Pacific Rise at 9°50'N, Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 10.1029/2002GL016035
47. Ellingsrud, S., T. Eidsmo, S. Johansen, M.C. Sinha, L.M. MacGregor, and S. Constable, 2002: Remote sensing of hydrocarbon layers by seabed logging (SBL): Results from a cruise offshore Angola, The Leading Edge, 21, 972-982.
46. Constable, S., and A. Duba, 2002: Diffusion and mobility of electrically conducting defects in olivine, Phys. Chem. Min., 29, 446-454.
45. Eidsmo, T., S. Ellingsrud, L.M. MacGregor, S. Constable, M.C. Sinha, S. Johansen, F.N. Kong, and H. Westerdahl, 2002: Sea bed logging (SBL), a new method for remote and direct identification of hydrocarbon filled layers in deepwater areas, First Break, 20, 144-152.
44. MacGregor, L., M. Sinha, and S. Constable, 2001: Electrical resistivity structure of the Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin, from marine controlled-source electromagnetic sounding, Geophys. J. Int., 146, pp 217-236.
43. Fullekrug, M., and S. Constable, 2000: Global triangulation of intense lightning discharges, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 333-336.
42. Heinson, G., S. Constable, and A. White, 2000: Episodic melt transport at mid-ocean ridges inferred from magnetotelluric sounding, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 2317-2320.
41. Hoversten, G.M, S.C. Constable, and H.F. Morrision, 2000: Marine magnetotellurics for base-of-salt mapping: Gulf of Mexico field test at the Gemini structure, Geophysics, 65, pp. 1476-1488.
40. Popkov, I., A. White, G. Heinson, S. Constable, P. Milligan, and F.E.M. Lilley, 2000: Electromagnetic investigation of the Eyre Peninsula conductivity anomaly, Exploration Geophysics, 31, 187--191.
39. Heinson, G., A. White, S. Constable, and K. Key, 1999: Marine self potential exploration, Explor. Geophys., 30, 1-4.
38. Everett, M.E., and S. Constable, 1999: Electric dipole fields over an anisotropic seafloor: theory and application to the structure of 40 Ma Pacific Ocean lithosphere, Geophys. J. Int., 136, pp. 41-56.
37. MacGregor, L.M., S. Constable, and M.C. Sinha, 1998: The RAMESSES Experiment III: Controlled source electromagnetic sounding of the Reykjanes Ridge at 57° 45' N, Geophys. J. Int., 135, pp. 773-789.
36. Sinha, M.C., S. Constable, C. Peirce, A. White, G. Heinson, L.M. MacGregor, and D.A. Navin, 1998: Magmatic processes at slow spreading ridges: Implications of the RAMESSES Experiment at 57° 45' North on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geophys. J. Int.,135, pp. 731-745.
35. Tolstoy, M., S. Constable, J. Orcutt, H. Staudigel, F.K. Wyatt, and G. Anderson, 1998: Short and long baseline tiltmeter measurements on Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 108, pp. 129-141.
34. Constable, S., G. Heinson, G. Anderson, and A. White, 1997: Seafloor electromagnetic measurements above Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, J. Geomag. Geolect., 49, pp. 1327-1342.
33. Hoversten, G.M., H.F. Morrison and S. Constable, 1998: Marine magnetellurics for petroleum exploration Part 2. Numerical analysis of subsalt resolution, Geophysics, 63, pp. 826-840.
32. Constable, S., A. Orange, G.M. Hoversten, and H.F. Morrison, 1998: Marine magnetellurics for petroleum exploration Part 1. A seafloor instrument system, Geophysics, 63, pp. 816-825.
31. Anderson, G., S. Constable, H. Staudigel, and F.K. Wyatt, 1997: A seafloor long baseline tiltmeter, J. Geophys. Res., 102, pp. 20269-20285.
30. Sinha, M.C., D.A. Navin, L.M. MacGregor, S. Constable, C. Peirce, A. White, G. Heinson, and M.A. Inglis, 1996: Evidence for accumulated melt beneath the slow-spreading mid-Atlantic ridge, Phil. Trans. A, Roy. Soc., 355, pp. 233-253.
29. Constable, S., and J.J. Roberts, 1997: Simultaneous Modeling of Thermopower and Electrical Conduction in Olivine, Phys. Chem. Min., 24, pp. 319-325.
28. Heinson, G., S. Constable and A. White, 1996: Seafloor Magnetotelluric Sounding Above Axial Seamount, Geophys. R. Lett., 23, pp. 2275-2278.
27. Petersons, H.F., and S. Constable, 1996: Global mapping of the electrically conductive lower mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, pp. 1461-1464.
26. Constable, S., and C.S. Cox, 1996: Marine controlled source electromagnetic sounding 2. The PEGASUS experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 101, pp. 5519-5530.
25. Flosadottir, A.H. and S. Constable, 1996: Marine controlled source electromagnetic sounding 1. Modeling and experimental design, J. Geophys. Res., 101, pp. 5507-5517.
24. Evans, R.L., M.C. Sinha, S.C. Constable, and M.J. Unsworth, 1994: On the electrical nature of the axial melt zone at 13°N on the east Pacific rise, J. Geophys. Res., 99, pp. 577-587.
23. Heinson, G., S. Constable and A. White, 1993: The Electrical Conductivity of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere beneath the Coastline of Southern California, Bull. Aust. Soc. Explor. Geophys., 24, pp. 195-200.
22. deGroot-Hedlin, C. and S. Constable, 1993: Occam's inversion and the North American Central Plains electrical anomaly, J. Geomag. Geoelect., 45, pp. 985-1000.
21. Constable, S.C., 1993: Conduction by mantle hydrogen, Nature, 362, p. 704.
20. Constable, S.C., and G. Heinson, 1993: In defense of a resistive oceanic upper mantle: reply to a comment by Tarits, Chave and Schultz, Geophys. J. Int., 114, pp. 717-723.
19. Constable, S.C., 1993: Constraints on mantle electrical conductivity from field and laboratory measurements, J. Geomag. Geoelect., 45, pp. 707-728.
18. Duba, A, and S.C.Constable, 1993: The electrical conductivity of a lherzolite, J. Geophys. Res., 98, pp. 11885-11899.
17. Vanyan, L.L., D.A. Kaoldayev, N.A. Palshin, and S.C. Constable, 1992: On anisotropy of electrical conductivity in the oceanic lithosophere. Fizika Zemli, 5, 7985. (in Russian)
16. Heinson, G. and Constable, S.C., 1992: The electrical conductivity of the oceanic upper mantle, Geophys. J. Int., 110, pp. 159-179.
15. Constable, S.C., Shankland, T.J. and Duba, A., 1992: The electrical conductivity of an isotropic olivine mantle, J. Geophys. Res., 97, pp. 3397-3404.
14. Constable, S.C., 1992: Electrical studies of the Australian lithosphere, Geol. Soc. Aust. Spec. Publ., 17, pp. 121-140.
13. Chave, A.D., S.C. Constable, and R.N. Edwards, 1991: Electrical exploration methods for the seafloor, in Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics, Volume 2, M. Nabighian (ed), Soc. Explor. Geophys., Tulsa., pp. 931-966.
12. Evans, R.L., S.C. Constable, M.C. Sinha, and C.S. Cox, 1991: Upper crustal resistivity structure of the East Pacific Rise near 13°N, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, pp. 1917-1920.
11. Constable, S.C., 1991: Comment on `Magnetotelluric appraisalusing simulated annealing' by Dosso and Oldenburg, Geophys. J. Int., 106, pp. 387-388.
10. Constable, S.C. and A. Duba, 1990: The electrical conductivity of olivine, a dunite, and the mantle, J. Geophys. Res., 95, pp. 6967-6978.
9. deGroot-Hedlin, C. and S.C. Constable, 1990: Occam's inversion to generate smooth, two-dimensional models from magnetotelluric data, Geophysics, 55, pp. 1613-1624.
8. Constable, S.C., 1990: Marine electromagnetic induction studies, Surv. Geophys., 11, pp. 303-327.
7. Constable, S.C., R.L. Parker, and C.G. Constable, 1987: Occam's Inversion: a practical algorithm for generating smooth models from EM sounding data, Geophysics, 52, pp. 289-300.
6. Webb, S.C. and S.C. Constable, 1986: Microseism propagation between two sites on the deep sea floor, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 76, pp. 1433-1445.
5. Cox, C.S., S.C. Constable, A.D. Chave, and S.C. Webb, 1986: Controlled source electromagnetic sounding of the oceanic lithosphere, Nature, 320, pp. 52-54.
4. Webb, S.C., S.C. Constable, C.S. Cox, and T.K. Deaton, 1985: A seafloor electric field instrument, Geomag. Geoelectr., 37, pp. 1115-1129.
3. Constable, S.C., 1985: Resistivity studies over the Flinders conductivity anomaly, South Australia, Geophys. J. Roy. astr. Soc., 83, pp. 775-786.
2. Constable, S.C., M.W. McElhinny, and P.L. McFadden,1984: Deep Schlumberger sounding and the crustal resistivity structure of central Australia, Geophys. J. Roy. astr. Soc., 79, pp. 893-910.
1. McFadden, P.C. and S.C. Constable, 1983: The estimation and removal of a linear drift from stacked data, J. Geophys., 53, pp. 52-58.
13. Stern, L., S. Constable, R. Lu, W. Du Frane, and J. Roberts, 2021: Electrical conductivity of pure CO2 hydrate and CH4 hydrate: Role of guest molecule Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate Newsletter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 21(1), 9-12.
12. Kannberg, P., and S. Constable, 2020: Gas hydrate characterization in the Gulf of Mexico using electromagnetic methods, Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate Newsletter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 20(1), 9-13.
11. S. Constable, R. Lu, P. Kannberg, L. Stern, W. Du Frane, and J. Roberts, 2020: In-situ and laboratory evidence for high electrical anisotropy in marine hydrate, Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate Newsletter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 20(1), 1-4.
10. Lu, R., L.A. Stern, W.L. Du Frane, J.C. Pinkston, and S. Constable, 2018: Electrical conductivity of methane hydrate with pore fluids: New results from the lab, Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate Newsletter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 18(1), 7-11.
9. Constable, S., P. Kannberg, K. Callaway, and D. Ramirez Mejia, 2012: Mapping shallow geological structure with towed marine CSEM receivers, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2012: pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1190/segam2012-0839.1
8. Constable, S., and K. Key, 2012: Method and system for detecting and mapping hydrocarbon reservoirs using electromagnetic fields, US Patent no. 8,253,418.
7. Du Frane, W.L., L.A. Stern, K.A. Weitemeyer, S. Constable, and J.J. Roberts, 2011: Electrical properties of methane hydrate + sediment mixtures, Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate Newsletter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 11(2), 10-13.
6. Weitemeyer, K., and S. Constable, 2010: Tests of a new marine EM survey method, Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate Newsletter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, March 2010, 13-17.
5. Weitemeyer, K., and S. Constable, 2009: Cruise report: Imaging gas hydrate in the Gulf of Mexico using marine electromagnetic methods, Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate Newsletter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Winter 2009, 4-6.
4. Constable, S., and K. Key, 2009: Three-axis marine electric field sensor for seafloor electrical resistivity measurement, US Patent no. 7,482,813.
3. Constable, S., 2006: Method and system for seafloor geological survey using vertical electric field measurement, US Patent no. 7,116,108.
2. Constable, S., 2006: System and method for hydrocarbon reservoir monitoring using controlled-source electromagnetic fields, US Patent no. 7,109,717.
1. Constable, S., 1998: Seafloor Magnetotelluric System and Method for Oil Exploration, US Patent no. 5,770,945.