Visit the following pages to learn more about our research
Research Projects |
A comprehensive listing of the Marine EM Lab's research projects. |
Research Cruises |
Listing of past and present research cruises of the Marine EM Lab. |
Marine EM Instrumentation |
Marine EM receivers and transmitters developed at the Marine EM Lab. |
Occam's Inversion |
Occam 2D MT and 1D CSEM inversions written in Fortran 90. Go here to download the codes! |
EM Modeling |
Adaptive and unstructured finite element EM modeling routines developed
by the Marine EM Lab. |
EM Concepts and Background |
Flash animations and cartoons illustrating the concepts of marine EM
exploration. |
Publications |
Publications of the Marine EM Lab. |
Theses | PhD and Master's Theses from Marine EM Lab graduate students. |
Last updated: Thursday, 29-Oct-2009 13:02:47 PST
email: sconstable@ucsd.edu