Publications of the SIO Marine EM Laboratory
Listed by year
Lewis, L. L., A Marine
Magnetotelluric Study of the San Diego Trough, Pacific Ocean, USA. Masters Thesis, San Diego State University, 2005. PDF, 9.2 MB.
Behrens, J. P., The Detection
of Electrical Anisotropy in 35 Ma Pacific Lithosphere: Results from a Marine
Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Survey and Implications for Hydration of
the Upper Mantle , Ph. D. Thesis, University of California, San Diego,
2005. PDF, 29.7 MB.
de Groot-Hedlin, C., and S. Constable, Inversion of
magnetotelluric data for 2D structure with sharp resistivity contrasts, Geophysics, 69, 78–86,
Constable, S., and C. Constable, Observing
geomagnetic induction in magnetic satellite measurements and associated implications
for mantle conductivity,
Geochem. Geophys. Geosys., 5, No. 1, Q01006 DOI 10.1029/2003GC000634,
Key, K. W., Application of broadband marine
magnetotelluric exploration to a 3D salt structure and a fast-spreading ridge, Ph. D. Thesis, University
of California, San Diego, 2003.
Korte, M., S.C. Constable, and C.G. Constable, Separation of external
magnetic signal for induction studies, in First CHAMP Mission Results for Gravity,
Magnetic and Atmospheric Studies, C. Reigber, H. Lühr, and P. Schwintzer
(ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 315-320, 2003.
Everett,M.E., S. Constable, and C.G. Constable, Effects
of near-surface conductance on global satellite induction responses, Geophys. J. Int., 153,
277-286, 2003.
Key, K., and S. Constable, Broadband marine MT exploration
of the East Pacific Rise at 9°50'N, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(22), 2054, doi:10.1029/2002GL016035,
Ellingsrud, S., T. Eidsmo, S. Johansen, M.C. Sinha, L.M. MacGregor, and S.
Constable, Remote sensing of hydrocarbon layers
by seabed logging (SBL): Results from a cruise offshore Angola, The Leading Edge, 21, 972-982, 2002.
Constable, S., and A. Duba, Diffusion
and mobility of electrically conducting defects in olivine, Phys. Chem. Min., 29, 446-454,2002.
Eidsmo, T., S. Ellingsrud, L.M. MacGregor, S. Constable, M.C. Sinha, S. Johansen,
F.N. Kong, and H. Westerdahl, Sea bed logging
(SBL), a new method for remote and direct identification of hydrocarbon filled
layers in deepwater
areas, First Break, 20, 144-152, 2002.
MacGregor, L., M. Sinha, and S. Constable, Electrical
resistivity structure of the Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin, from marine controlled-source
sounding, Geophys. J. Int., 146, pp 217-236, 2001.
Fullekrug, M., and S. Constable, Global
triangulation of intense lightning discharges, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 333-336, 2000.
Heinson, G., S. Constable, and A. White, Episodic
melt transport at mid-ocean ridges inferred from magnetotelluric sounding, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
27, 2317-2320, 2000.
Hoversten, G.M, S.C. Constable, and H.F. Morrision, Marine
magnetotellurics for base-of-salt mapping: Gulf of Mexico field test at the
Gemini structure,
Geophysics, 65, pp. 1476-1488, 2000.
Heinson, G., A. White, S. Constable, and K. Key, Marine self potential exploration.
Exploration Geophysics, 30, 1-4, 1999.
Everett, M., and S. Constable, Electric
dipole fields over an anisotropic seafloor: theory and application to the
structure of 40 Ma Pacific Ocean lithosphere,
Geophys. J. Int., 136, pp. 41-56, 1999.
MacGregor, L.M., S. Constable, and M.C. Sinha, The
RAMESSES Experiment III: Controlled source electromagnetic sounding of the
Reykjanes Ridge at 57° 45'
N, Geophys. J. Int., 135, pp. 773-789, 1998.
Sinha, M.C., S. Constable, C. Peirce, A. White, G. Heinson, L.M. MacGregor,
and D.A. Navin, Magmatic processes at slow spreading
ridges: Implications of the RAMESSES Experiment at 57° 45' North on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,
Geophys. J. Int.,135, pp. 731-745, 1998.
Tolstoy, M., S. Constable, J. Orcutt, H. Staudigel, F.K. Wyatt, and G. Anderson,
Short and long baseline tiltmeter measurements on Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca
Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 108, pp. 129-141, 1998.
Constable, S., A. Orange, G.M. Hoversten, and H.F. Morrison, Marine
magnetellurics for petroleum exploration Part 1. A seafloor instrument system,
Geophysics, 63, pp. 816-825, 1998.
Hoversten, G.M., H.F. Morrison and S. Constable, Marine
magnetellurics for petroleum exploration Part 2. Numerical analysis of subsalt
Geophysics, 63, pp. 826-840, 1998.
Constable, S., G. Heinson, G. Anderson, and A. White, Seafloor electromagnetic
measurements above Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, J. Geomag. Geolect.,
49, pp. 1327-1342, 1997.
Anderson, G., S. Constable, H. Staudigel, and F.K.
Wyatt, A seafloor long baseline tiltmeter, J. Geophys. Res., 102, pp.
20269-20285, 1997.
Constable, S., and J.J. Roberts, Simultaneous
Modeling of Thermopower and Electrical Conduction in Olivine, Phys. Chem. Min., 24, pp. 319-325, 1997.
M.C., D.A. Navin, L.M. MacGregor, S. Constable, C. Peirce, A. White, G. Heinson,
and M.A. Inglis, Evidence for accumulated melt beneath the
slow-spreading mid-Atlantic ridge, Phil. Trans. A, Roy. Soc., 355, pp. 233-253,
Heinson, G., S. Constable and A. White, Seafloor Magnetotelluric
Sounding Above Axial Seamount, Geophys. R. Lett., 23, pp. 2275-2278, 1996.
Petersons, H.F., and S. Constable, Global
mapping of the electrically conductive lower mantle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, pp. 1461-1464, 1996.
Constable, S., and C.S. Cox, Marine
controlled source electromagnetic sounding 2. The PEGASUS experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 101, pp. 5519-5530, 1996.
A.H. and S. Constable, Marine
controlled source electromagnetic sounding 1. Modeling and experimental design, J. Geophys. Res., 101, pp. 5507-5517,
Evans, R.L., M.C. Sinha, S.C. Constable, and M.J. Unsworth, On
the electrical nature of the axial melt zone at 13°N on the East Pacific Rise, J. Geophys.
Res., 99, pp. 577-587, 1994.
Heinson, G., S. Constable and A. White, The Electrical Conductivity
of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere beneath the Coastline of Southern California,
Bull. Aust. Soc. Explor. Geophys., 24, pp. 195-200, 1993.
deGroot-Hedlin, C. and S. Constable, Occam's
inversion and the North American Central Plains electrical anomaly, J. Geomag. Geoelect., 45, pp. 985-1000,
Constable, S.C., Conduction by mantle hydrogen, Nature, 362, p. 704,
Constable, S.C., and G. Heinson, In defense of a resistive oceanic upper
mantle: reply to a comment by Tarits, Chave and Schultz, Geophys. J. Int.,
114, pp. 717-723, 1993.
Constable, S.C., Constraints
on mantle electrical conductivity from field and laboratory measurements, J. Geomag. Geoelect., 45, pp. 707-728, 1993.
A, and S.C.Constable, The electrical conductivity of a lherzolite,
J. Geophys. Res., 98, pp. 11885-11899, 1993.
Constable, S.C., Shankland, T.J. and Duba, A., The electrical conductivity
of an isotropic olivine mantle, J. Geophys. Res., 97, pp. 3397-3404, 1992.
Heinson, G. and Constable, S.C., The electrical conductivity of the
oceanic upper mantle, Geophys. J. Int., 110, pp. 159-179, 1992.
Constable, S.C., Electrical studies of the Australian lithosphere, Geol.
Soc. Aust. Spec. Publ., 17, pp. 121-140, 1992.
Evans, R.L., S.C. Constable, M.C. Sinha, and C.S. Cox, Upper crustal
resistivity structure of the East Pacific Rise near 13°N, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 18, pp. 1917-1920, 1991.
Constable, S.C., Comment on `Magnetotelluric appraisalusing simulated
annealing' by Dosso and Oldenburg, Geophys. J. Int., 106, pp. 387-388, 1991.
Chave, A.D., S.C. Constable, and R.N. Edwards, Electrical
exploration methods for the seafloor, in Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics,
Volume 2, M. Nabighian (ed), Soc. Explor. Geophys., Tulsa., pp. 931-966, 1991.
deGroot-Hedlin, C. and S.C. Constable, Occam's inversion
to generate smooth, two-dimensional models from magnetotelluric data, Geophysics, 55, pp.
1613-1624, 1990.
Constable, S.C., Marine electromagnetic induction studies, Surv. Geophys.,
11, pp. 303-327, 1990.
Constable, S.C. and A. Duba, The electrical conductivity of olivine,
a dunite, and the mantle, J. Geophys. Res., 95, pp. 6967-6978, 1990.
Constable, S.C., R.L. Parker, and C.G. Constable, Occam's
Inversion: a practical algorithm for generating smooth models from EM sounding
data, Geophysics,
52, pp. 289-300, 1987.
Webb, S.C. and S.C. Constable, Microseism propagation between two sites
on the deep sea floor, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 76, pp. 1433-1445, 1986.
Cox, C.S., S.C. Constable, A.D. Chave, and S.C. Webb, Controlled
source electromagnetic sounding of the oceanic lithosphere, Nature, 320, pp. 52-54,
Webb, S.C., S.C. Constable, C.S. Cox, and T.K. Deaton, A seafloor electric
field instrument, Geomag. Geoelectr., 37, pp. 1115-1129, 1985.
Constable, S.C.,
Resistivity studies over the Flinders conductivity anomaly, South Australia,
Geophys. J. Roy. astr. Soc., 83, pp. 775-786, 1985.
Constable, S.C., M.W. McElhinny, and P.L. McFadden, Deep Schlumberger
sounding and the crustal resistivity structure of central Australia, Geophys.
J. Roy. astr. Soc., 79, pp. 893-910, 1984.
McFadden, P.C. and S.C. Constable, 1983:
The estimation and removal of a linear drift from stacked data, J. Geophys.,
53, pp. 52-58.