2014 |
Magnetotelluric Observations of Cascadia using a Huge Array |
Uruguay EM |
Marine EM studies of the geological structure of the continental margin offshore Uruguay |
2010 |
SERPENT: Serpentinite, Extension and Regional Porosity Experiment across the Nicaraguan Trench |
2009 |
Scarborough |
Marine EM studies of the Scarborough gas field, Western Australia. |
2008 |
Gulf of Mexico Hydrate |
A massive CSEM survey of 4 hydrate prospects in the northern
Gulf of Mexico. |
San Andreas MT, Central
California |
Marine CSEM and MT across the continental shelf,
slope and deep seafloor offshore Morro Bay, California to image structures
adjacent to the San Andreas Fault |
2006 |
Loihi Seamount, Hawaii |
Marine EM tomography of Loihi Seamount, Hawaii. |
Catalina Crater |
Marine CSEM, MT and CSMT of a crater-like structure in the California borderland |
2005 |
Gulf of Mexico |
Marine MT for exploration problems |
2004 |
Hydrate Ridge |
Marine MT and CSEM survey to detect shallow
gas hydrates using electrical methods. 25 sites of data. |
East Pacific Rise at 9° N |
MT and CSEM at fast spreading ridge. 69 sites of data,
80 km of CSEM tows. |
2003 |
Gemini Prospect, GoM |
5th MT and 1st CSEM survey at Gemini Prospect |
2001 |
Faroe Islands |
119 MT deployments in the sub-basalt province |
Gemini Prospect, GoM |
4th MT survey at Gemini Prospect |
Anisotropy and Physics of the Pacific Lithosphere Experiment |
2000 |
Angola CSEM |
Commercially funded research CSEM survey offshore Angola, 21 deployments |
East Pacific Rise at 9°50'
N |
Pilot broadband MT experiment at fast spreading ridge |
JAM2000 |
MT in trench offshore N. Japan, 10 sites in 1-6 km deep
water |
1998 |
Gemini Prospect, GoM |
3rd MT survey at Gemini Prospect |
MT experiment offshore South Australia |
1997 |
Gemini Prospect, GoM |
2nd MT survey at Gemini Prospect |
Hawaiian hot-spot swell structure from seafloor MT sounding |
1996 |
Gemini Prospect, GoM |
1st MT survey at Gemini Prospect |
Mediterranean Survey |
Commercial MT survey, 119 deployments |